Friday, July 12, 2013

We received the Parrot's Beak for the Best Herbal Smoking Blend today. We mixed equal parts of skullcap, indian warrior, and parrot's beak. The result was similar to just the skullcap and indian warrior, with a little more pronounced effect. I have still been doing research, and we are going to take another step back and do something that I have uncovered in my research. It involves soaking the ingredients and taking the liquid from the soaking (extract), pouring that over mullein leaf and letting it dry. This gets all the goodies out of the ingredients and places them in the mullein leaf, then you smoke that. After we have had some success with this method I will post exactly what we did to get there.

Monday, July 1, 2013

The Next Ingredient - Parrot's Beak

We've chosen another member of the pedicularis family, Parrot's Beak (Pedicularis racemosa), as our next ingredient for the Best Herbal Smoking Blend. Plants in the pedicularis family are also known as louseworts, because of the belief that ingesting them can cure an infestation of louse. They are used medicinally as a muscle relaxant and sedative. The flowers of the plant are a bright orange, and the petals are shaped like parrot's beaks. In some societies the leaves and buds are smoked or made into a tea. We've ordered some Parrot's Beak, so stay tuned - we'll post when it arrives.