Sunday, June 30, 2013

We received the Indian Warrior yesterday. It has a dark color, and the dried flowers are a deep purple. It has no noticeable odor. We mixed equal portions of skullcap and Indian Warrior and tried it. The skullcap, when smoked by itself, has a harsh flavor - the Indian Warrior completely smoothed out the harshness. A very mellow smoke. The results were promising, with a calm, relaxing feeling that lasted for quite a while. But we are still not where we need to be yet, so we will continue researching our next ingredient. So stay tuned, we will post when we decide on the next ingredient.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Just a quick update to let you know that we are still waiting on the Indian Warrior. Meanwhile, we're hard at work researching our next ingredient. We'll let you know as soon as the Indian Warrior arrives.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

We could not find the Indian Warrior locally, so we are ordering it online. Bouncing Bear Botanicals is sold out presently, and Azuregreen does not carry it, so we had to locate another source. We located some at KT Botanicals (be sure and get the buds, you can grind them in a coffee grinder or good blender). So we have the Indian Warrior. We will let you know the results as soon as we receive it.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Indian Warrior - The Next Ingredient

Our next ingredient for this mix is Indian Warrior (Pedicularis Densiflora). There are several varieties of (Pedicularis), one being called Elephant's Head. My research has shown that Indian Warrior has a more pronounced effect than Elephant's Head. Indian Warrior is often used as a skeletal muscle relaxant and sedative. It was used in smoking mixtures by at least one Native American tribe. So we have decided on the Indian Warrior. It is about the same price as Elephant's Head, but should produce a more pronounced effect. We found from making our first mix that it is best to add the ingredients one at a time, so we will be adding this and trying it next. We'll keep you posted, so check back soon.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Taking a Step Back

After taking a step back and doing some more research, we have decided to start over with our mix. We are up to six ingredients, and we are still not where we want to be with the present mix. One of the problems that we have is that the mullein leaf is like fine hair , clumps up, and will not mix with the other ingredients. If you recall, the mullein leaf is supposed to be the base for the mixture, so this is not a good thing. After some research, I found that skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) is often used as a base. We found some locally, and it is a has crushed leaves that has a tobacco look to it, except that it is bright green, even after being dried. If you recall, skullcap was added to our previous mix, and is supposed to have a relaxing, calming effect. There is a good article about skullcap here. I will continue our reasearch and we will keep you posted on our next ingredient, so check back soon.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Our second mix is complete. The results were somewhat disappointing. We added the skullcap and doubled the sacred lotus. The blend had a slightly more calming effect (from the skullcap), but that was about it. I am going to take a step back and do some more research. We already have 6 ingredients, and we are trying to keep the cost down, so we do not really want to keep adding ingredients. There are literally hundreds of herbs out there that have been used in smoking mixtures by the Native Americans and other societies, so I have plenty of ingredients to choose from. So check back soon for an update on our progress.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

We completed our first mix today by using equal portions of each ingredient. The results were a little disappointing, with a pleasing, somewhat relaxing effect and a mild taste, but something is missing. The overall sense of well-being is not there, which is supposed to be the effect of the sacred lotus. I believe we will double the amount of sacred lotus for the next mix. Also, I did a little more research and found that skullcap, an herb that was widely used by Native Americans, would be a good addition overall. I believe we will try to obtain some skullcap locally and try it in tomorrow's mix as well. There is a local herb shop near where I live that has it. So check back tomorrow and see what progress we have made.

Monday, June 10, 2013

We received the remaining three ingredients for the Best Herbal Smoking Blend today. The mullein leaf is soft with hairs like velvet. It has a light spice smell to it. The damiana is light green and finely ground. It has a slightly minty aroma. The sacred lotus is short stems, some are actually woody. I believe we will have to get dried petals rather than the stamens, which is what we ordered. The sacred lotus has no noticeable smell. Check back tomorrow, when we should have our first mix. I'm sure we will have some adjustments to make, but we are a lot closer than we were. See you soon.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

While waiting on the ingredients, I thought I would digress a little and talk about the medicinal uses of some of the ingredients in our herbal smoking blend. Passion flower, passiflora, has since ancient times been used to treat anxiety, hysteria and seizures. It is still used to treat anxiety today, and is said to better than kava, another herb used to treat anxiety. Damiana has also long been known for its relaxing qualities, and Mexican and South Americans make a tea from the leaves. As mentioned before, damiana is good for the libido and is and aphrodisiac. Blue lotus has a mild sedative property, and has since ancient times been drank as a tea or the petals of the flower were simply eaten. Blue lotus is also used today to make martinis. In addition, blue lotus has a pleasing smell and is popular in aromatherapy. Mullein leaf has many medicinal uses. It is useful as an astringent, emollient, and is also known to contain anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties. It has been used since ancient times as treatment for burns, fungal infections, bacterial infections and for pain relief. Check back soon, we should have the other ingredients tomorrow.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

We received the Sacred Lotus and Blue Lotus from Bouncing Bear Botanicals today. Both have a not unpleasant smell, and a soft, velvety consistency. The 1 oz. bags are larger than I expected, about 4in. x 4in. So stay tuned, when we get the rest of the ingredients we will start mixing!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Ordering the Ingredients - The Vendors

I've spent the last two days researching herbal companies on the internet, and have found two that between them have all of the ingredients we need. Just to refresh your memory, the ingredients we've chosen are: Mullein Leaf Damiana Passion Flower Blue Lotus Sacred Lotus The first site I ordered from is Bouncing Bear Botanicals. They have a large site with a good selection of herbs, and a good description of each one in its listing. They tend to deal in larger quantities, but I was able to find the Blue Lotus and Sacred Lotus in a 1 oz. (28 grams) size. The search engine on the site is very good, so use it to look for the ingredients you want. The next site I ordered from is Azure Green. They have what they call 1618 Gold 1 oz. packs of a huge variety of herbs. Their search engine also works well. I ordered the rest of the ingredients from this site in 1 oz. packs. Well, you can order the ingredients now, and go along as we experiment with proportions, or you can wait until we have a final mix. Stay tuned for an update when we receive our ingredients.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Ordering the Ingredients

Now that all of our ingredients have been selected, what's next? Well, we here need to get the ingredients ordered. You can order them, but may want to wait until we've experimented with proportions before buying them - this could save you quite a bit of money. As for us, I've spent the last day or so researching sources for ingredients and will probably decide on vendors and place an order today. I'll keep you posted tommorrow where to find the vendors and what to order.

Monday, June 3, 2013

All the Ingredients are Chosen

All of the ingredients have been chosen, so what's next? Well, don't go out and get the ingredients and mix them together yet. We have ordered the ingredients, and will spend our time finding the proper proportions when they get here. Proportions are important because some of the ingredients are stronger than others, a little dab'll do ya. We will keep you posted on our progress.